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Animated Headline

A headline that alternates between words using a typing effect.

animated headline


  • Heading Level
  • Font Size

Inner Blocks

How to Add Animated Headline

  1. Open inserter modal by clicking the plus sign, then search "animated headline" in the search bar, then clicked the block Animated Headline animated headline step 1
  2. You'll see the new Animated Headline block added with empty text. Now click Add New Text. There are two inner blocks that you can add, paragraph and typed text block.animated headline step 2
  3. For the begininning of our animated headline, let's add a paragraph block animated headline step 3
  4. Add text for the paragraph, then add another block. This time let's add Typed Text Block and typed any text you want, for this tutorial we add Web Developer. animated headline step 4
  5. Select the Typed Text block on the left sidebar to show its settings on the right sidebar. animated headline step 5
  6. You can add more text to typed text block by simply clicking the plus button. Make sure the typed animation is stopped before adding more text animated headline step 6